Low Code, No Code trend is going beyond App development

Low code, no code capabilities are no surprise to the technological community, brewing under the confluence of various digital trends over the years. It is evident that the Covid-19 pandemic boosted the adoption of low code application development platforms and could gain more momentum in the coming years. It seems promising for companies looking to accelerate their projects through agile software development platforms. According to an estimate by Forrester analysts, 75% of enterprise software in 2021 was developed using low code. Low code is a weapon of disruption for large organizations and start-ups to devise a quality, competitive product and thrive with an edge. But how is it going to disrupt the way a digital business operates beyond application development?

Going beyond the obvious

IT personnel can swiftly construct new processes and build apps using low-code development platforms instead of researching, writing, and testing new scripts. Furthermore, because the code is abstracted away, they do not need a specialized understanding of every tool or technology used in a set of operations. Any IT team member can design dependable, cross-platform business processes and expedite application delivery with the correct low-code technology. A growing preference for edge computing that brings distributed data closer to the source can be seen compared to centralized data centers and cloud computing. The key attraction is faster processing, real-time decision-making, and augmented reality’s prowess and information visualization. Low-code application development has the power to aid in the integration of organizational silos, allowing your corporation to accelerate innovation through effective team cooperation. Low-code, for example, provides immediate benefit by allowing IT developers to build apps faster. Still, it also allows them to collaborate with engineers to create solutions that incorporate data from throughout the enterprise.

Digital business acceleration – The need to transform digitally as swiftly as possible puts pressure on the industry to increase delivery speed and time to value for applications at a neck-break pace. A study by Gartner predicts that half of all new low-code clients will become business buyers, not necessarily from the IT industry, by the end of 2025.

SaaS and hyper automation – As SaaS gains popularity, most service vendors offer low-code capabilities and automation tooling. Those who create their ideas across business applications and workflows are turning to low-code to drive hyper-automation, one of the critical factors for increased adoption by 2022.

Ubiquitous cloud services – Low-code platforms are likely to extend cloud technologies and provide multiple layers of abstraction and usability through pre-built components with associated business logic. Salesforce components are a great example of the same that integrate release pipelines into cloud development and simplify the underlying API.

Consumerized UI/UX – Low-code applications can run faster, look better and function better with readymade templates, widgets, layouts, and styles. Not only that, but they can also provide highly differentiated user experiences that stem from the need for customization and dynamic based on existing user standards.

DaaS, visualization, and API economy – APIs being central to application development, low-code platforms will be central to the complexities of API payloads, API security, and API security. Data-as-a-Service will continue to reign as the new currency, giving businesses the ability to fetch, extract, visualize, mash, and analyze insights in real-time. Companies can easily assimilate low-code data to create logical data models with enhanced and templated visualizations.

Anywhere business operations – With a rising Work from home preference and the bend in the vision of work, the anywhere operations model is coming out as the appropriate model for the future. Taking business beyond physical premises, with on-demand delivery apps, cloud solutions and digital alternatives for every need for the business to sustain, low-code platforms can thrive in this IT environment.

Cybersecurity strategies – As we get more connected digitally, it becomes imperative that the solutions for that are secured to reduce loss of business and customer inconvenience. Firewalls are no longer sufficient to do so, which low-code platforms with smarter techniques of DevOps can reduce the vulnerabilities and help budding start-ups have a ramp up the ladder.

The low code no code tech stack is expected to grow horizontally, integrating developer and customer experience with simplicity, data-driven insights, and simpler AI solutions. Bridging in intuitive data collection and providing overall IT security to the company, low code principles of abstractions, automation, and seamless connectivity between numerous technologies will bring together specialists and low-skill users to arrive at a high-quality and immediate solution. With that, code is all set to reframe the IT landscape of the world.

Note: This article was originally published in CRN India