The interplay between Inspections and larger compliance systems: Audits, Investigations, Predictive Maintenance, Permits

– A Path to Enhanced Organizational Efficiency

The rapidly evolving regulatory landscape globally necessitates organizations to build robust systems, which can enable them to remain compliant with a wide array of regulations and standards. Among these, Inspections systems are of paramount importance, serving the two-pronged objectives of a) undertaking preventive measures b) enforcing compliance. However, it is worth noting, inspections are not an end in themselves, but are a crucial sub process of a larger macro ecosystem.

This blog explores how powerful low code technologies like Pega, infused with cutting edge Gen-Ai capabilities, can be leveraged to integrate broader compliance systems, such as inspections, audits, investigations, and preventive maintenance.

Inspections and Predictive Maintenance

Recently, Aaseya has been working with its partner organization to integrate its Inspections System (AIS) with SAP’s, predictive maintenance system.

The SAP predictive maintenance module anticipates anomalies in the manufacturing processes. It provides dashboards and visualization tools that help users monitor equipment health, track predictive maintenance metrics, and make informed decisions. However, it does not support any workflows that capture the actions taken as part of that inspection. Therefore, it leads to challenges like manual interventions, regulatory compliance, process tracking, coordination issues.

Aaseya’s Inspection solution built of Pega, comes with out of the box and ready to use solution which cater to the inspection workflow. It can capture the data in real time, dynamic check list management complaint with regulatory standards, insights, dashboards etc.

AIS (Aaseya inspection solution) exposes web services which can be consumed by SAP predictive maintenance module whenever it predicts equipment failure. This solution is capable of consuming data from different channels and creating a case which then put into the inspection workflow.

Gen AI powered Compliance System: Inspections, Audits and Investigations

There is credible market research to suggest that a fusion of Inspections, Audits and Investigations can serve a grand purpose. The interactions with a few federal agencies in the US prompted Aaseya to build a compliance system POC, as a macro process around the existing Inspections system. To remain compliant against varied regulations and standards, organizations may choose to opt for preventive, retrospective or reactive measures.

Audits tend to be more retrospective in nature, with a broader scope than Inspections. They are a controlling mechanism to put financial systems, internal controls and operations compliant.

Investigations are reactive in nature, have a narrower scope and are focused on specific incidents or investigations.
Inspections are preventive measures, with an element of physicality. They are more tuned to prevent incidents that may put human lives and properties at risk of loss or damage.

The compliance system Aaseya is building processes distinct end user personas, each representing an auditor, inspector and an investigator. These are in turn administered by a common compliance manager, who can trigger an inspection case, audit case or investigation case, based on the nature of incident. Each of the processes are governed by distinct case and checklist management systems.

The icing on the cake is Pega’s Gen AI Knowledge Buddy, which enables users to create and manage distinct regulatory checklists, by running through volumes of regulatory documents. The knowledge buddy is placed at strategic points in the application, enabling each of the users to galvanize its power.

Case Study: A fusion of permits onboarding and Inspections, for a multi-national beverages company.

A classic example that underscores the interplay between permits and inspections comes from the world’s most foremost beverages company, operating in Southeast Asia. Aaseya received a BRD from this organization, to build a permits onboarding and maintenance system. While the onboarding system for the permits would have to be built separately, Aaseya can leverage its SaaS bases Inspections solution, aHawkAI for the maintenance of ongoing permits, by ensuring the required obligations are maintained.

This case exemplifies the potential of Inspections to be more than just a checkbox exercise. Its ability to integrate and co-exist with a larger compliance system, talks volumes about its ability to manage and maintain compliance risks.



Given the ever-evolving regulatory changes globally, the need for robust compliance systems cannot be more relevant. Modern solutions like AIS and aHawkAi, with their innate AI capabilities, built on technologies like Pega, can integrate seamlessly with a wide range of compliance systems, thereby improving operational efficiency and maximizing return on Investment.




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Aniketh Jayanthi

has over a decade of experience in delivering low-code projects and programs, in Pega, a leading low-code application development platform. Aniketh' s  professional journey includes significant stints with Pega Systems and its partnered companies, where he played a pivotal role in mission-critical deliveries and the development of innovative internal solutions and products.